How to Find a Good Assistant – The First Four Steps

The right assistant can add years to your life! Ask any CEO, manager or business owner and they will tell you that good staff, and especially admin assistants (be they virtual or on-site), can lighten your workload and make your life easier. They’re there to support you professionally in work-related as well as personal matters.…

Top 10 Online Tools for Virtual Assistants – Part 2

Last week we mentioned that the reason you have a virtual assistant is to help you achieve your strategic objectives and even more importantly, that he/she gets the job done in the most efficient way possible. We shared 5 of the 10 most helpful online tools we use to manage our virtual assistants’ efficiency and…

How toGet into ‘The Zone’ and Spend Most of Your Time There

You market your business to clients for 8 hours straight; yet when you have to write the ‘About Us’ section for your website, you’re at a loss for words? Or you devise excellent strategies for your business’s future, but when you have to capture the past month’s financial data you feel absolutely drained?Does this sound…

How to Focus on What You Do Best and Maximize Your Impact

Does this sound familiar? You talk to your clients for 8 hours straight; yet when you have to write the ‘About Us’ section for your website, you’re at a loss for words? Or you devise excellent strategies for your business’s future, but when you have to capture the past month’s financial data you feel absolutely…

Assistants to suit your business’s changing needs

In today’s fast changing business environment, companies across all sectors continue to face all sorts of challenges in reaching their long and short term goals.  Business owners need to step up their game in order to stay relevant and ahead of their competitors.  With the growing need for new strategies and effective management, a new…

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